About Us

Instituted in 1994, the APB Foundation seeks to inspire a better Singapore by caring for both people and planetWe set resources to improve living conditions for the less privileged, help people and organisations improve talents as well as supporteducational and sustainability endeavours.

Committed to supporting Environmental Sustainability, Human Excellenceand Social Sustainability, the APB Foundation is involved in initiatives that range from backing talent-building projects for human capital development, to engaging in meaningful partnerships with organisations or individuals who share our common goal to serve the society and build a sustainable future.

The APB Foundation is a registered Charity with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status in Singapore, and is managed and funded by Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) employees regularly volunteer for APB Foundation initiatives and events.

Environmental Sustainability - Building a Sustainable Future

The APB Foundation believes that harnessing the creativity of individuals and investing in innovation help to fuel society and enable communities toflourish. As such, we have extended our focus to support environmental sustainability initiatives and solutions that help to brew a better Singapore.

Making the world a better place, for both the environment and the community, is becoming more and more of a critical priority in many countries. We believe in sustainability as a driver for business success and as a positive force for change. We are passionate about environmental stewardship, which underpins our Foundation’s purpose of caring for People and Planet.

We are looking for partners to work together and make a meaningful impact on the world around us. If you and your organisation are looking for funding and volunteers to support your cause, we are interested to hear from you.

Human Excellence – Embracing the Quest for Knowledge

Recognising that human capital drives global competitiveness, the APB Foundation keenly supports education and undertakings that nurture human capital in Singapore. For the same reason, we also promote studies in the fields of medicine and technology, and assist research endeavours that facilitate socio-economic progression.

We hope that with our contributions, Singapore can continue to enhance its competitive edge supported by a ready pool of talents, sportsmen, educators, researchers and professionals.

Some of the projects we have supported include the APB Foundation Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities, APB Foundation Resources Centre at the Singapore Nurses Association, the Chao TzeCheng Professorship in Pathology and Forensic Science, the National Youth Achievement Award and more.

Social Sustainability - Positive Impact on Society

The APB Foundation seeks to fuel change in society and enable communities to flourish. As such, we believe in harnessing the creativity of individuals through the development of arts in Singapore as well as playing a constructive role in reaching out to the disadvantaged so that they may rise above their challenges, improve their quality of life and in turn, contribute to society eventually.

Through the initiatives we support, the APB Foundation seeks to nurture and inspire artists, cultivate creations and works, and make a meaningful impact on society. From dance theatre to art museum, theatre groups to fine arts, the APB Foundation has benefitted arts groups like Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, National Arts Council, Singapore Dance Theatre, Singapore International Film Festival and ART:DIS.

We also believe that the causes we partake in should enable self-reliance where possible. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the APB Foundation donated $75,000 to the Migrant Workers’ Assistance Fund (MWAF), the humanitarian charity arm of Migrant Workers’ Centre to help migrant workers tide through income loss and provide food, shelter and basic necessities. We also supported the Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (HOME) Women Shelter, which provides recovery treatment for migrant women who were trafficked in Singapore.

Over the years, the APB Foundation has funded numerous causes and charities that benefitted cancer patients, persons with disabilities, needy families and those with life-threatening illnesses amongst others. Some of the beneficiaries include Migrant Workers’ Centre, Assisi Hospice, Beyond Social Services, Breast Cancer Foundation, Children’s Cancer Foundation, Dover Park Hospice, Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (HOME), Singapore Heart Foundation and more.